

My name is Stacey and I’m a tiny 20 something from Scotland. I’m orginally from Fort William but I moved to Glasgow in 2015 and have been living here ever since.

I am a self confessed makeup addict and you’ll often find me wandering around the makeup counters in House of Fraser or filling a basket on Cult Beauty.

I studied Advertising & PR for 6 months but health problems got in the way, you can read about my journey here.

Although I was only studying for a short time, I got a huge buzz for the digital marketing industry and I would love to have a career in that sector.

I started my blog in December 2016 after learning about the use of blogging in the digital industry but I never expected it to become what it has and I am so proud of how it’s grown. I love getting clued up on the latest trends in the blogosphere and teaching myself new things to constantly create the best content I can.

I love creating a mix of content such as lifestyle, beauty & some personal bits in there too.

Making friends can be super scary in the big ol’ blogosphere but I always love to chat so if you want to get in touch you can email me at stacespacex@gmail.com or you can find all my social media channels over to your right so come and say hello!

beautiful girl

Stace x